Truth About Carpet Cleaning Quotes
Many people are easily seduced by double-digit carpet cleaning offers — “$99 for 3 rooms and a hallway!” That may seem like a great deal on the surface; but is it? Here are three things you should know before deciding if it’s too good to be true.
1. Cleaning Economics
Any reputable cleaning company will spend up to two and half hours in your home, with state-of-the-art cleaning machines and eco-friendly cleaning agents. They’ll include time to properly prep the rooms, pre-treat problem areas, clean, and return the room to its original condition. Think about the underlying costs of the industry – staff, equipment, insurance, etc. A company has to make money off their visit in order to stay in business. Deeply discounted offers require a cut in costs elsewhere. You don’t want it to be in staff, machinery and cleaning supplies, or safety…right?
2. Upcharges May Apply
Many of those offers are created simply to entice a homeowner to call. Then, once the technicians are in your home, you’re presented with “extras.” In the end you’ll wind up paying as much for their services as you would have without the offer in the first place. And you can almost bet a poorly trained tech that doesn’t care about your carpets will show up to do the work.
3. Compare Apples to Apples
Typically, approximately 50% of the carpeted area needs to be cleaned. Companies offering packaged deals and/or quote low cost per square foot are relying on this in order to make their visits pencil out. Highly reputable cleaning companies will avoid providing a fixed estimate on the phone in order to see the room first. Chances are, after they’ve surveyed the rooms and consulted with you about what you’d like done, the quote you’ll get is both reasonable and affordable.
No one likes to continually have to shop for service providers they can trust. So remember, when it comes to cleaning your carpets, you get what you pay for. Know what to look for and you’ll be assured of a first-rate cleaning job, that’s also reasonably priced.